Last used value

You record that the value selected last should always be suggested in a field.


In an entry layout you use on a daily basis to enter hours and that is based on a month, you can set the Month field to Last selected value. If you set this field in this way, you only have to select the correct month once every month. After that, the month is always suggested.

To set a field using Last selected value:

  1. Go to: the function.
  2. Right-click on the field name.

    For example, in an entry layout you right-click on the Month field.

  3. Go to the tab: User settings.
  4. If you want to set a field just for yourself, go to the User settings tab. If you are authorised as an administrator and want to specify settings that apply for all users, go to the Administrator settings tab.
  5. Select the Last selected value check box.
  6. Click on: OK
  7. Restart Profit to apply the settings.

Directly to

  1. Preferred values for fields
  2. Set a preferred value
  3. Last used value
  4. Make a field changeable/non-changeable
  5. Restore field settings