View the licence and numbers of users in all environments

You can view the numbers using an analysis in the Central Login Environment. This functionality is not available in AFAS Online.

Also check the comments regarding the determination of the licence numbers.

To view the licence counts:

  1. Log on to the Central Login Environment.
  2. Go to: General / Output / Management / Analysis.
  3. Click on: New.
  4. Add a new analysis based on the data collection:
    • Licence count
    • Logins
  5. Follow the instructions given by the wizard.

    After you complete the wizard, the numbers are shown in Microsoft Excel.

Directly to

  1. Licence and count of licence numbers
  2. Extend or change a licence
  3. View the licence and the allowed number of users
  4. View the licence and numbers of users in all environments
  5. New licence with conversion
  6. Import a licence