Send automatic e-mail message for alert

Profit can send an e-mail automatically to those who receive an alert. This may useful if users don’t consult InSite on a daily basis.



You can have Profit automatically send an e-mail to the users who receive an alert. All users in the alert receive the same e-mail message.

Determine individually per alert whether it is sent by e-mail. If an alert is only sent, the sent alert is immediately set to Completed. This is not the case if the alert is sent and displayed in InSite. If the alert is both sent via InSite and as an e-mail, the user can click on a hyperlink in the e-mail to mark the alert as Read.

The e-mail message is sent with Profit as the sender. You can set the e-mail address that is linked to the sender Profit, in the Profit E-mail server.

The message is only sent to Profit users who are linked to at least one person.

Profit sends an e-mail message when an alert is generated.


Only one e-mail is sent if an alert is generated on a number of consecutive days.

The e-mail message contains the following details in the e-mail header:

  • From - This is always Profit. You cannot change this.
  • To - The e-mail address of the invitee users is added here automatically.
  • Subject - Contains the text of the alert.

The e-mail message contains the following text:

  • Hyperlink to the alert (only if the alert is also displayed in InSite). People can receive the e-mail on a PDA also, but cannot open this hyperlink.
  • Text - Contains the text of the alert.
  • Below the message it is mentioned that the message was sent from Profit and that the user cannot reply to the message by e-mail.
  • Record the e-mail server

    Profit can generate and sent email messages. The email application (installed on your own PC) is not used within this context. In Profit you record various settings, including the email server to be used.

  • Record the e-mail settings per administration
  • Enter e-mail addresses of invited users

    Users only receive an e-mail message if they have a Work e-mail address and if they are linked to at least one person.

  • Set up an alert for transmission by e-mail

    Create a setting that the alert must be sent as an e-mail message when the alert is generated.