Configure a general custom file for InSite and/or OutSite

Data that has been recorded in a custom file, can be displayed in InSite, where you can also add, change and delete data. Using OutSite, you can only view custom files.

To activate a general custom file:

  1. Go to:General / Environment / Management / Properties.
  2. Go to the tab: Custom files.
  3. Open the properties of the custom file that you want to start using.
  4. Select the In use check box.
  5. Enter the description.
  6. Select the Use date check box if you want to use the default date field of the custom file.
  7. Select the Show seq. no. check box if you want to see the default sequence number for the records in the file.
  8. Select the Visible in InSite and/or Visible in OutSite check boxes.

    App_Vrij algemeen bestand inrichten voor InSite en/of OutSite - activeren

  9. Click on: OK.
  10. Click on: OK. Give permission to reopen the environment.

To add fields:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Management tool.
  2. Open the Custom files heading.
  3. Select the custom file.
  4. Add the required fields on the Fields tab.
  5. Go to the tab:Tabs: InSite / Tabs: OutSite.

    The custom file can only be made visible on an InSite or OutSite site if you add a tab to one of these tabs.

  6. Click on: New.
  7. Enter the description.
  8. Add the fields to the tab.
  9. Close the Management tool. Give permission to reopen the environment.


During this process the following data is created:

  • Page type

    Page type with the description of the custom file. The page type is automatically selected (activated) in the site properties.

  • Functionality

    For InSite: '[custom file name] + View' and '[custom file name] + Manage'.

    For OutSite: '[custom file name] + View'.


    The custom table is called ‘3D Printer’. If you use the table in InSite and OutSite, the following functionalities are created:

  • InSite: ‘view 3D Printer' and ‘manage 3D Printer'.
  • OutSite: ‘view 3D Printer'.

Authorise the new pages by linking pages to the correct functionalities, or by linking new functionalities to the correct roles.

Add the pages to the InSite and/or OutSite site.

Directly to

  1. General custom file
  2. Activate a general custom file
  3. Configure a general custom file
  4. Add data to a general custom file
  5. Configure a general custom file for InSite and/or OutSite