Interactive dashboards (Profit BI)


To be able to use Profit BI you must have a Profit Plus licence for AFAS Online. You display the dashboards in InSite (instead of in Profit Windows).

You must use a supported browser. Internet Explorer 10 is not supported in combination with Profit BI. That means you cannot use Internet Explorer 10 to display dashboards. Profit BI requires the use of cookies in the browser to be enabled.



Features and important attributes of Profit BI:

  • 44 dashboards ready for use (approximately 200 pages, numerous graphs, etc.), developed in consultation with customers and partners.
  • Dashboards are available for free for Profit Plus users, but not in a local (on-premises) installation.
  • The dashboards and underlying pages do not reflect real-time data. Data from Profit is copied to a separate Profit BI server, converted to a dashboard and displayed on InSite. This means no extra workload for the AFAS application and data servers. The dashboards are refreshed on a regular basis. Everything runs and is managed on AFAS Online.
  • You authorise dashboards by granting users rights to the InSite pages in question. The users then have full access to all information/data in the dashboard. By default, no filter authorisation applies. However, there are some exceptions: filter authorisation does apply for certain HR dashboards.
  • You cannot change these dashboards and you cannot add new dashboards.
  • You view dashboards via InSite. A dashboard displays information from the environment linked to the InSite site; data from different environments cannot be combined in one dashboard. Neither can external information (for example, from another database or Microsoft Excel) be shown in a dashboard.
  • Dashboards are displayed in Dutch.
  • Profit BI is not available in Profit Accountancy Lite or Profit Small Business.
