Authorise discount vouchers

If you want to use discount vouchers, you must first authorise them.

Configure authorisation:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Go to the tab: Group maintenance.
  3. Select the group to authorise.
  4.  Go to the tab: Menu.
  5. Go to: CRM / Course management / Configuration.
  6. Authorise the menu option:Discount voucher.
  7. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  8. Go to: CRM / Course / Discount voucher code / Actions.
  9. Authorise actions Add, Issue and Delete.
  10. Go to: CRM / Course / Discount voucher.
  11. Authorise tabs and actions:

    Crm_Vouchers activeren (10)

  12. Close the Authorisation tool.
  13. Click on Yes in the message.

    De omgeving opent automatisch opnieuw, met de nieuwe instellingen.

See also

Directly to

  1. Configure discount vouchers
  2. Activate vouchers
  3. Authorise vouchers
  4. Change reports for a discount voucher
  5. Change entry layout for a discount voucher