Change reports for discount vouchers

Profit comes with several reports that you can change for the Discount voucher function.

You can change the following reports:

  • Your course invoice report

    If you want the voucher and voucher code to be shown on the course invoices, then change the report that you use for your course invoice.

  • Report for the discount voucher

    Profit comes with the Discount voucher (Profit) report for discount vouchers with voucher codes that you can distribute to your contact.

    Crm_Rapport voucher wijzigen (10)

    Use this report, for instance, as the basis for your own vouchers.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure discount vouchers
  2. Activate vouchers
  3. Authorise vouchers
  4. Change reports for a discount voucher
  5. Change entry layout for a discount voucher