Sales Automation

Using Sales automation you can use forecasts to record expectations regarding future sales and turnover.




Before you can start working with Sales automation, you first have to configure it.

In the properties of forecasts you register values from the following custom tables.

  • Forecast group

    The group the forecast belongs to, for example based on turnover, sector, product group, etc.

  • Forecast status

    Using the status, you can indicate the different stages a forecast can go through. In addition to this status (which you can define yourself), the forecast also has the Open/Closed field. You can use this field to indicate if the forecast is still active or has already been concluded (with positive or negative results).

  • Competitor

    For a forecast you can register all competitors in a separate view. If in the end a competitor wins the order(s), you specify the competitor you lost to.

In these custom table, you can add your own data. For each individual custom table you specify if users are allowed to expand the table while they are maintaining forecasts.


  • Supplement custom tables

    In the properties of forecasts you register values from custom tables.

  • Add employees

    Per forecast link a responsible employee. If you link an employee as Resp. person in the properties of a sales contact/debtor, this employee is displayed as the preference when adding a new forecast.

  • Add source data

    Per forecast link a source that indicates the origin of the forecast (customer initiative, cold calling, complaint, etc.).

  • Set the dossier item type

    For the desired dossier item type, set Sales contact + forecast as the destination. Otherwise you will not be able to use the dossier item type for forecasts.

Also see