Set the title/salutation at the environment level

In the environment properties you specify the default way to address organisations and persons in the correspondence. When you add an organisation or person, this setting is suggested but you can deviate from this default setting.

To set the salutation at the environment level:

  1. Go to: General / Environment / Management / Properties.
  2. Go to the tab: Salutation.
  3. Select a value for Salutation with organisations.
  4. Select a value for Salutation with persons and for Salutation when gender unknown.
  5. Click on: OK.
  6. Click on Yes in the message.

    You are prompted to reopen the environment.

  7. Click on Yes in the message. 

Directly to

  1. Title/salutation
  2. Set the title/salutation at the environment level
  3. Add a title/salutation combination.
  4. Set the title/salutation for an organisation or person