Generate a survey including the persons to be surveyed

Adding a survey consists of two steps. First you generate the survey based on the questions and question categories of the selected survey model. Then you select the persons you want to survey: the employees and/or persons that have to complete the survey. If an employee is not yet defined as a user, you add a user and link the user to an employee.


Add a survey
  1. Go to: General / Survey / Configuration / Survey model.
  2. Open the survey model you want to use.
  3. Go to the tab: Surveys.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Enter the description.
  6. Select the In design status.

    Profit does not release the survey to the users yet.

  7. Select the Subject you want to use.

    Your options depend on the properties of the survey model.

  8. Click on: Finish
Add respondents to a survey

You can add respondents (persons or employees to be surveyed) to a survey in two ways.

  • You add the desired persons and/or employees to the survey. This is the easiest way.
  • You add selections to the survey.

    You use selections by contacts or employees, for example all employees of a certain department or with a certain job. This method is often faster than the first method, however you do have to add the selections first.

    If someone appears in multiple selections or also appears on the Surveyed tab, Profit includes them only once in the survey.

You can also use a combination of these two methods.

For each respondent, you can record a login name and a password in the properties of the respondent.


You record a survey for all employees of a specific employer. That is why you first add a selection that contains all employees currently in employment.

If you add this selection to a survey, Profit includes all the employees currently employed by the employer in the survey. You can reuse this selection in a new survey: in each new survey Profit determines which employees belong to the selection. This way, you avoid the risk of forgetting someone, for example someone who just entered employment.

To directly add respondents to a survey:

  1. Open the properties of the survey.
  2. Go to the tab: Surveyed.

    If this tab is not displayed, you are dealing with a survey model with unique questions for each respondent.

  3. Click on: New

    If necessary, select a different view if the persons you are looking for are not shown.

  4. Select the relevant persons.
  5. Click on: Finish.

To add a selection to a survey:

  1. Open the properties of the survey.
  2. Go to the tab: Selections.
  3. Click on: New
  4. Select the desired selection.
  5. Click on: Finish

    Use the Display selection action to check who is part of the selection.

For example, you can display a preview of the survey using Actions (F8) /Survey example. For informational purposes, you can record the start and end date, but they do not affect when the survey is conducted.

Directly to

  1. Conduct a survey
  2. Add selections
  3. Set the e-mail server
  4. Generate a survey
  5. Generate a derived survey with unique questions
  6. Release a survey to the respondents
  7. Close a survey