Configure environment e-mail settings for e-mailing reminders

If you want to send reminders by e-mail, then you must first specify the e-mail server and the e-mail address of the general sender.
Profit can generate and sent email messages. The email application (installed on your own PC) is not used within this context. In Profit you record various settings, including the email server to be used.

  1. Go to: General / Environment / Management / Properties.
  2. Go to the tab: E-mail.
  3. Now follow the Set up the Profit e-mail server and the sender e-mail address procedure.

Directly to

  1. Configure reminders
  2. Add reminder report layouts
  3. Add a reminder set
  4. Set the interest on reminders
  5. Configure the e-mail server and general sender in an environment
  6. Configure a report layout and message template for e-mailing reminders
  7. Record the issue method for each debtor