Add a reminder report layout

Profit supplies default reminder report layouts (with/without interest, digital and an English set). These are ready for use. These report layouts cannot be changed, although they can be copied and the copies can then be changed.

You can add your own reminder layout for the reminder letters via Report management.

New report layout for reminders on the basis of an existing reminder report:

  1. Go to: Financial / Output / Management / Report.
  2. Click on: New.

    Profit starts the new report wizard.

  3. Select based on an existing report.

    A list of the available existing reports is now displayed.

  4. Select the report you want to use as a basis, for example 1st Reminder with interest (Profit).

    If you e-mail the reminders, you can also select a graphical reminder layout (Digital reminder 1 with interest (Profit)).

  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Enter an appropriate name for your new report in Description.
  7. Click on: Finish.

    The Report generator, which will allow you to edit the layout of the report, opens.

  8. Change the report as desired. Click here for an explanation of the report’s layout.

    You can include the Order number/reference field of the sales invoice in the report. You do this using the Modify button. The field can be selected via the Sales invoice category in the data collection for the report in question. You can place the field under Factuurnr in the report.

    If you want to include the telephone number of the debtor on the reminders themselves, you must add the field for the telephone number to the reminder layout. This is done via the Modify button. After this, you add the Telefoonnr. werk field using the Data collection wizard. This field is located in the Sales contact category and within this in the Financial data - Organisation/person subcategory:

  9. Drag the newly added field to the layout and release the mouse button when the field is just about in the correct place. You can then determine the position of the field.
  10. Click on: Finish.

    Click here for an explanation of the reminder settings for each debtor.

  11. Save the report and exit. The report is saved using the name you specified.

If you need assistance in configuring reports or analyses, you should contact your consultant or the Customer Service department at tel: 033 43 43 881. The AFAS Support Centre cannot provide support for the configuration of reports and analyses, because each AFAS customer can configure his own custom layout. The AFAS Support Centre can only indicate the data collection in which the fields can be found.

Directly to

  1. Configure reminders
  2. Add reminder report layouts
  3. Add a reminder set
  4. Set the interest on reminders
  5. Configure the e-mail server and general sender in an environment
  6. Configure a report layout and message template for e-mailing reminders
  7. Record the issue method for each debtor