Authorise an e-invoice (purchase invoice)

You authorise the access of users and/or user groups to the E-invoice functionality, to determine who is allowed to import and process electronic purchase invoices in Profit Financial. You authorise the menu, tabs and actions separately.


If you have multiple administrations, the E-invoice function contains all e-invoices from all administrations. You can apply filter authorisation for this function and thus authorise per administration, so that users only see the e-invoices for the administrations for which they have rights. For this, use the filter type General - Administrations in the Authorisation tool.

To authorise an e-invoice:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. On the left side of the window, select the group or user you want to authorise access to the E-invoice menu.
  3. Go to the tab: Menu.

    You see the structure of the user menu. Only the menu options with a check mark in front of them are shown in the menu of the users.

  4. You can make underlying levels visible using the + and -.
  5. Go to: Menu maintenance / General / Financial / Creditor.

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  6. Select the E-invoice  check box to make this menu option available or deselect it to make the menu option inaccessible.
  7. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  8. Go to: Financial / E-invoice / Actions.

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  9. From these actions, select the actions you want to authorise for E-invoiceand select the Allowed check box at the bottom.
  10. Close the Authorisation tool.
  11. Click on Yes in the message
  12. De omgeving opent automatisch opnieuw, met de nieuwe instellingen. 

Directly to

  1. Configure e-invoicing (purchase invoice)
  2. Authorise an e-invoice
  3. Configure the communication profile of the communication server for e-invoices
  4. Change the E-invoice view
  5. Configure E-invoices in circulation
  6. Configure E-invoices without invoices in circulation
  7. Configure a purchase invoice review entry layout