Configure E-invoices without invoices in circulation

You can submit and enter e-invoices without activating the Invoices in circulation functionality. You need to configure this separately because a dossier item type with workflow is linked to the default entry layout for purchase invoices Financial entries (Purchase journal) (Profit).To this end, you configure the following two procedures:

  1. add a new dossier item type to which no workflow is linked.
  2. add a new entry layout to which this newly created dossier item type is linked.

To add a new dossier item type without a workflow:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Add a new dossier item type .

To add an entry layout:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Entry layout.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Click on: the entry layout Financial entries (Purchase journal) (Profit).
  4. Profit deletes (Profit) and replaces it with a sequence number (1). You can change this description.


    If you use the default Financial entries (Purchase journal) (Profit) entry layout, you cannot change it. In that case add a new entry layout based on this default entry layout.

  5. Click on: Finish.
  6. Go to the tab: Line.
  7. Drag the Attachment field to the line.
  8. Go to the tab: General settings.
  9. Select the dossier item type you have just added in Dossier item type.

    In this field, you select which type of dossier item (attachment) you want to link when entering the purchase invoice to which no workflow is linked.

  10. Click on: OK.
  11. Link the entry layout to the purchase journal.

Directly to

  1. Configure e-invoicing (purchase invoice)
  2. Authorise an e-invoice
  3. Configure the communication profile of the communication server for e-invoices
  4. Change the E-invoice view
  5. Configure E-invoices in circulation
  6. Configure E-invoices without invoices in circulation
  7. Configure a purchase invoice review entry layout