Journalise depreciations

You generate journal entries for the depreciations and the sale of fixed assets in the financial administration. These journal entries end up in the journal and in the administration you have linked to the asset groups concerned. Most of the journalising is done automatically but there are journal entries that you need to enter manually.

As a consequence of journalising, various items of asset data receive a finalised status which means you can no longer change them. However, if this is necessary then you must undo the journalising.

To journalise fixed assets:

  1. Go to: Financial / Fixed assets / Journalise.

    Profit launches the Journalise wizard.

    The window indicates up to which period is journalised. Profit determines this at environment level. If you work with multiple administrations and you have not yet journalised them all then it can happen that the period indicated does not correspond with the administration(s) concerned.

  2. Enter the financial year and the period.

  3. Click on: Next.
  4. Select the administration for which you want to journalise the depreciations.
  5. Deselect the check boxes of the assets you do not want to journalise.
  6. Click on: Finish.

Click on: OK.

See also

Directly to

  1. Depreciate fixed assets
  2. Journal entry overview
  3. Journalising
  4. Journalising by detailing the extended trial balance
  5. Undo journal entries
  6. View journal entries
  7. View depreciation periods
  8. View the depreciation statement
  9. View the fixed assets accounting audit overview