Record the agreed actions and progress

You can define agreements based on the assessed competences. You can easily see the competences that have not yet been achieved by the employee in Profit.


Compare the assessment results with the required competences

You check which competences the employee has already achieved and which require additional attention.

To compare the assessment results with the required competences:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Reviews and agreements.
  2. Select the employee.
  3. Click on the action: Appointments.

    You see the required level, the assigned score, the score from the assessment, the required score and the difference between the required score and the score from the assessment for each competence. This actually shows the discrepancy with the current role.

    Competences with an assigned score lower than the required score are displayed in red. Scores that meet the requirements are displayed in green.

Compare competences with other roles

You can compare the specific result with the competences from another role. You can select a future role that has been defined on the Career tab in the properties of the employee or another role.

To view the discrepancy with a role:

  1. Click on the action: Discrepancy with Role.
  2. Select a Future role or a Random role.
  3. Click on: Finish.

    Below is an example of the result:

    The competences of the selected role are in fact compared and then deducted from the employee's competences. The list may therefore contain competences that the employee does not actually have. In the example these are the 'Learning ability' and 'Independence' competences.

Add agreed actions

You can define agreements for each competence. These are the actions initially agreed upon; follow-up actions can be recorded separately.

You can add development tips, coaching activities and course types with regard to agreements. The coaching activities are listed on the agreed action form for the manager, other issues are listed on the assessment form of the employee. You can also enter general agreements. You will find them on the assessment form of the employee.

To record agreed actions per competence:

  1. Open the view: Scores within level.
  2. Click on the action: Competence appointments.

    You see the recorded agreements. The first time, of course, this will be empty.

  3. Click on: New.
  4. Select a competence (usually this is the competence that shows the greatest difference between required and assigned).
  5. Click on: Next.

    You see the possible development tips at the competence. These are the actions the employee could take to further develop the competence.

  6. Select the check boxes for the development tips
  7. Click on: Next.

    You see the possible coaching activities at the competence. These are the things the manager could do to help the employee reach a higher level.

  8. Select the check boxes for the coaching activities.
  9. Click on: Next.
  10. Select the check boxes for the course types.
  11. Click on: Finish.

    The result is a completed view showing the open actions related to a competence, for example:

  12. Use the above procedure to add agreed actions for other competences. Profit shows all agreed actions in one view, for example:

  13. You can make agreements more concrete:
    1. Open the properties of the agreed action line.
    2. Go to the tab: Appointment.

      You see the initial agreement with the specified target date.

    3. Go to the tab: Progress.

      You see the text of the agreement in the Appointment field.

    4. Enter an agreed action in Follow-up appointment.
    5. Enter the completion date.

To add general agreed actions:

In addition to the competence agreements, you can also add other agreements.

  1. Click on the action: General appointments.

    You see the recorded agreements. The first time, of course, this will be empty.

  2. Click on: New.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    1. Start date: The date on which the agreed action starts.
    2. Target date: The date on which you believe you will honour the agreement.
    3. Activity: The activity to be performed.
    4. Appointment: A description of the action agreed upon.
  4. Click on: Finish.
Print the agreed action form

Profit supplies default agreed action forms for the employee and for the manager.

To print the agreed action form:

You are in the view with competence agreements.

  1. You can finalise the agreements using the Approve appointments action.
  2. Click on the action: Report of appointments.
  3. Open the report:
    • Executive appointment form (Profit)
    • Employee appointment form (Profit)
Monitor the progress

You can no longer change definitive agreements. You can, however, define follow-on agreements that arise from progress interviews. If an agreement has been completed (it has been honoured), you specify a realisation date.

During the progress interview you define the follow-on agreements that were made. If you approve them, they are definitive. Profit will not again add the realised agreements. This does not apply to the uncompleted agreed actions. Profit does add them again using a higher sequence number.

To monitor the progress and agree on follow-up actions:

  1. Open the view: Scores within level.
  2. Click on the action: Progress.

  3. Open the properties of a completed agreed action.
  4. Enter the completion date.
  5. Click on: OK.
  6. Open the properties of an uncompleted agreed action.
  7. Record a follow-up action.

    Do not enter the Realisatiedatum .

  8. Click on: OK.
  9. Click on the action: Approve.

    Profit approves the open lines and adds new lines for agreed actions that have not yet been completed.

    You can print the progress reports by using the Progress report action.

Agreed action history

You can retrieve a report of a specific agreement interview in the history. This lists only the agreed actions of the selected sequence number.

To view the agreed action history:

  1. Open the view: Scores within level.
  2. Click on the action: History.

    You see the interviews.

  3. Open the properties of the action agreed upon.
  4. Open the properties of the report.

Directly to

  1. View assessments and record actions agreed upon
  2. Check the assessment status and finalise the results
  3. Analyse the assessment results
  4. Record the agreed actions and progress