
An important function of Profit Competence management is the so-called 'matching'. The principle underlying matching is the presence of the commonality of competences. A role and an employee can be displayed in competences. This means a role and an employee can be associated if they have one or more common competences. This creates an indirect link between the role and the employee.

When you have created all connections, ask the following questions:

  • Which employees are eligible for a certain role?
  • Which competences are lacking for a selected role?
  • Which roles are eligible for a certain employee?
  • What is the competence level difference between a role and employees performing that role?
  • Management development: which employees in higher-up jobs or higher education are eligible for a structured career path?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of an employee?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of a team, department or organisation?

Find a substitute role:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Overview / Matching.
  2. Select Search replacing role in Search mode.
  3. Select the role for which you want to find a replacement role based on the linked competences.
  4. Click on: Next.

    Profit shows the competences required for the role. All of the check boxes are selected, meaning that all competences must be present.

  5. Click on: Next.

Profit shows the roles that include at least the selected competences. You will also see the previously selected role here. If another matching role is found, that is great news. However, in most cases that will not be the case.

  1. Click on: Previous.
  2. You can adjust your requirements downward by removing the check mark at some of the competences. This means that you will use fewer competences during the next search.
  3. Click on: Next.

    Profit again shows a result. You can perform this action several times until you see a workable result.

  4. Click on: Finish.

    Profit shows the found roles in a new view. You have actions to restart the match procedure or to view the properties of the selected role.

For which other role is the employee eligible:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Overview / Matching.
  2. Select For which other role is the employee also eligible in Search mode.
  3. Select the employee for whom a match must be found.
  4. Click on: Next.

    Profit shows the competences of the employee. Hopefully, one or more roles are found based on these competences.

    By deselecting competences one at a time and clicking Next or Previous, different roles are found that also have the selected competences.

  5. Click on: Finish.

    Profit displays a view showing the found roles. The view shows four actions:

    • Start Wizard. This restarts the matching procedure.
    • Found role properties. This will provide detailed information about the role that you select from the list.
    • Show discrepancy. The discrepancy is shown. In addition, the required level and the required score are taken into consideration. Competences for which the employee's score is insufficient are displayed in red. Competences that are at the required level are displayed in green.
    • Add to a career. This adds the role selected in the view as a career line for the employee.

Which employees are eligible for a role

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Overview / Matching.
  2. In Search mode, select the employees that are eligible for the role.
  3. Select the role for which a match must be found.
  4. Click on: Next.

    Profit shows the competences, including the level required for the role. Hopefully, one or more employees are found based on these competences.

    By deselecting competences one at a time and clicking Next or Previous, different roles are found that also have the selected competences.

  5. Click on: Finish.

    Profit displays a view showing the employees found. The view shows four actions, which have been described previously.

Directly to

  1. Management information related to Competence management
  2. Matching
  3. Perform a strengths/weaknesses analysis