Digital delivery to 'ArboVitale'

You can deliver the files for ArboVitale digitally.


You can generate three types of files in Profit:

  • Employee file
  • Sickness message file
  • Recovery message file

Employee file

An employee file is also referred to as a 'W-bestand'. The master data of an employee are reported using this file type. An employee can only be reported as being sick, if the employee has first been registered using a 'W-bestand'. If a sickness message file or a recovery message file is created, Profit therefore also automatically creates a W file. A 'W-bestand' can have two types of messages:

  • Start of employment message: a new employee is reported to the agency as employed in a 'W-bestand' when this new employee is reported sick for the first time.
  • Change of employee data: if an employee is reported sick or recovered, a 'W-bestand' is always created with the 'Wijziging medewerkergegevens' message type.


    If you make a digital delivery to this agency for the first time and you enter a sickness or recovery entry, all employees who are linked to the 'ArboVitale' agency and who fall within the valid date limit are included in the W file with the Start of employment message message type.

Sickness message file

An sickness message file is also referred to as a 'Z-bestand'. A message is generated automatically in Profit HR if an employee is reported sick from the absence registration. The sickness messages for employees are reported using the 'Z-bestand'.

The point in time you change or delete a sickness message affects what happens next:

  • Changing and deleting sickness entries before the digital file is created: if you change or delete a sickness entry before you have created and sent the digital file then this is applied to the message for the agency. For example, if you delete a sickness message before you create the digital file (the status of the submission is 'Te verzenden'), then the message is also deleted for the agency.
  • Changing and deleting sickness entries before the digital file is created: if you change or delete a sickness entry after you have created and sent the digital file, you pass this on to 'ArboVitale' by using the email address. If, for example, you have added a sickness entry, have created the digital file and have deleted the sickness entry, you pass this on to 'ArboVitale' by using the email address.


    Sickness entries that are changed or deleted after a digital file has been created and sent, must be communicated to 'ArboVitale' by email (

Recovery message file

A recovery message file is also referred to as an 'H-bestand'. A message is generated automatically in Profit HR if the partial or full recovery of an employee is reported. You can enter the partial or full recovery of an employee on the Hersteld tab in the properties of the sickness entry. The partial and full recovery messages are reported using this 'H-bestand'.

The point in time you change or delete a partial or full recovery message affects what happens next:

  • Changing and deleting recovery messages before the digital file is created
  • If you change or delete sickness entries before the digital file is created and sent, this is applied to the message for the agency. For example, if you delete a recovery entry before you create the digital file (the status of the submission is 'Te verzenden'), the message is also deleted for the agency.
  • Changing and deleting recovery messages after the digital file has been created:

    If you change or delete a recovery entry after you have created and sent the digital file, pass this on to 'ArboVitale' by using the email address. If, for example, you have added a recovery entry, have created the digital file and have deleted the recovery entry, you pass this on to 'ArboVitale' by using the email address.


    Recovery entries that are changed or deleted after a digital file has been created and sent, must be communicated to 'ArboVitale' by email (

Process for the digital delivery

The process of the digital delivery to the agency consists of a number of steps:

  • Process sickness and recovery entries
  • Create digital files
  • Send digital files

Process sickness and recovery entries

You process the sickness and recovery entries in Profit HR from the absence registration.

Create a digital file

Before the digital files are created, you can manually add or delete entries. Next, you can create the digital files. The files are created in the location specified at the employer level. The file names for the delivery to 'ArboVitale' are composed as follows:

  • The first position is used for the letter W (Employee file), Z (Sickness message file) or H (Recovery message file).
  • Sender registration number ()
  • The sequence number for the date.

The files always have the .CSV extension. You can request the registration number by using the e-mail address.


Sickness entry date: 12-04-2015

Registration number: 1234

The file name for the first sickness entry file on this date: Z12341504121.CSV


It is not possible to create new digital files if files of the same type are still present in the location specified for the employer. You first have to send the present files to 'ArboVitale' before creating a new file.

Send a digital file

After the digital files have been created, they must be sent to 'ArboVitale'. You send the files to the following email address:

Any test files must be sent to the email address: Enter 'test file' and the name of the employer as the subject of the email.

Deliver employee data for all employees to 'ArboVitale'

'ArboVitale' can ask you for an extra delivery of the data for all employees (sick and not sick). You supply this data using the ARBODIGThis command line is not available in AFAS Online, because it is not possible to use a command line to write data to a local file location. command line.

You configure this command using the Windows Task Scheduler and specify a specific day of the month. This will ensure that the data is generated every month. If the Task scheduler executes the command line, Profit generates the data for the previous month for all employees.

You configure this command using the Windows Task Scheduler and specify a specific day of the month. This will ensure that the data is generated every month. If the Task scheduler executes the command line, Profit generates the data for the previous month for all employees.


You schedule the command line for the 18th of the month. Profit generates the data for the period from  01-03-2012 until 31-03-2012.

The process for the digital delivery

The digital delivery process to ArboVitale consists of a number of steps:

  • Request digital delivery from ArboVitale
  • Process sickness and recovery entries
  • Create a digital file
  • Send a digital file
Request digital delivery from ‘ArboVitale’

If you decide that you want to start delivering absence entries in Profit to ArboVitale digitally, you need to arrange this with the Consultancy department of 'Verzuimdata'. They have all the required knowledge and options to guide you in establishing and testing a connection. For more information about digital deliveries, you can contact 'Verzuimdata' using the e-mail address:

Include the following data in the mail:

  • Company name
  • Relationship number
  • Requester name
  • Requester telephone number.

In addition, you should specify that this concerns a Profit link.

Process sickness and recovery entries

You process your sickness and recovery entries in Profit HR using the absence registration.

The file is created in the location specified at the employer level. The file name for deliveries to ArboVitale is always:

CFTZnnnn.DAT (nnnn = sequence number per sender)


It is not possible to create a new digital file if a file is still present in the location specified for the employer. First send the current file to ArboVitale before creating a new file.

Send a digital file

After the digital file has been created, it must be sent to ArboVitale. If ArboVitale has authorised you for digital deliveries, you will receive submission instructions for the digital delivery.