Absence entries

In case of a new absence you specify an absence entry. You can use this absence entry to track the course of the absence and eventually report the recovery of the employee.



An absence entry consists of some general data and the course of the absence. The absence course refers to events that occur during the absence. With a simple case of absence, the absence course consists of two lines: one for the beginning of the absence and one for the end (these lines are created automatically when adding or closing an absence entry).

In addition, you can add absence course lines for changes in the presence percentage (incl. changes as a result of occupational therapy), the substitute and the nursing address. This detailed data allows you to accurately track the absence case.


An employee has been sick from 4 to 19 November. On 5 and 6 November he was in the hospital. As from 11 November he has started working for 40%.

This results in the following absence course lines:

  • 4 November: Profit has automatically added this line when the absence entry was recorded.
  • 5 November: you specify the hospital as the nursing address.
  • 7 November: new line in which the nursing address is removed, as the employee is at home again.
  • 11 November: new line specifying a 40% presence and the working hours.
  • 19 November: Profit has automatically added this line when you closed the absence entry.

If you mistakenly close an absence case, delete the last absence course line. Other changes are possible as well, as long as the relevant data has not been blocked because the integration lines have already been approved in the actual costing.


Also see