View personal details and name and address data of employees

The addresses are also in the Employee (extensive) view. In addition, several reports are available.


  • Addresses employees (excl. authorisation) (Profit)
  • Addresses employees (incl. authorisation) (Profit)
  • Employee relephone, fax and e-mail address (excl. authorisation) (Profit)
  • Employee telephone, fax and e-mail adresses employees (incl. authorisation) (Profit)

The address history and relocations of an employee can be viewed in several ways:

  • From the properties of an employee.

    Go to: Actions (F8)Person, Address history tab.

  • You can use CRM / Organisation/person / Organisation/person to open the properties of the person so that you can view the Address history tab.

Directly to

  1. View employees
  2. View employees using default views
  3. View Who is who in InSite
  4. View Who is who
  5. View an employee master card
  6. Personal details and name and address data
  7. Generate an employer statement
  8. Anniversaries and birthdays
  9. View the anniversary overview