View Who is who in InSite

A user can use this function to retrieve a list of employees with a passport photo (facebook).

You can make a change in the authorisation to prevent private information being viewed using this function.

To view Who is who:

  1. Go to: InSite.
  2. Click on: Who is who.

    This page is based on the Employee (base) page.

    InSite may have been configured differently for you, in which case the description of the action deviates.

    Profit displays a list of employees together with their photos.

  3. Select an employee.

    You see the employee data.

    The images can only be changed by the employee himself using InSite. The images for another employee cannot be changed.

    If you want to change the images in bulk, you can import the images.

See also

Directly to

  1. View employees
  2. View employees using default views
  3. View Who is who in InSite
  4. View Who is who
  5. View an employee master card
  6. Personal details and name and address data
  7. Generate an employer statement
  8. Anniversaries and birthdays
  9. View the anniversary overview