Add and view career history (Education)

With the Education activation, extra fields are available for recording or changing a career history line.


Add career history

When reporting the start of employment of an employee or when adding employments, Profit automatically generates career history lines. You can also record career history lines manually or subsequently change them.


An employment is included in the career history if you select the Include employment in career history check box on the Employment tab in the properties of the main employment.

To add a career line:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Career history.

    Profit displays the career lines and Profit automatically generates a career line per contract line.

  4. Click on: New
  5. Enter the start and end date.
  6. Select the organisation.

    It is not mandatory to select an organisation in order to add a new career line. You can also specify the name of the organisation in Name.

  7. Specify whether the career line counts towards the service period benefit.
  8. The Include in service period benefit check box is selected by default. If you deselect this check box, the career line will not count towards the service period benefit and it will not affect the Date employed (regarding years of service) field.
  9. Select the Service period with current employer or legal predecessor check box.

    This causes the career line to be included in the service period for the current employer or the legal predecessor.

  10. If necessary, modify the fields under Labour relation.


    By modifying the fields under Labour relation, you modify the employment duration of the career line.

  11. Click on: Next.
  12. Select the time type check box. When generating the redundancy and anniversary overview, Profit takes account of these fields.

    If you add a career line, the following applies:

    • By default, Profit selects the ‘Ambtstijd’ and ‘Onderwijstijd’ check boxes.
    • If you have selected an organisation, Profit  selects the ‘Bestuurtijd’ check box.
    • If you have selected an educational institution, Profit  selects the ‘Schooltijd’ check box.
  13. Click on: Finish..
View career history

In the properties of the contract, you can view the calculated employment start date for alerting purposes and the employment start date including years of service for the legal predecessor.

To view the employment start date in the career history:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Contract.
  4. Open the properties of the contract.
  5. Go to the tab: Labour relation.
    • Employed (re. alert)

      Profit calculates this date based on the Include employment in career history field for the various employments of the employee in question. Profit does not take account of any gaps and/or overlaps in the determination of this date.

    • Employed (incl. legal predecessor)

      Profit calculates this date based on the career lines for which the Service period with current employer or legal predecessor check box is selected.

Directly to

  1. Career history
  2. Configure alerts
  3. Configure wage components
  4. Add and change career history
  5. Add a career history (Education)
  6. Employment start date regarding years of service