Revoke, expire or delete a 'Digi-ZSM' absence message

When you change an absence entry it depends on the status of the original absence message whether Profit automatically sets the absence message to Expired or revokes it. If necessary, Profit generates a new absence message.

You can come to the conclusion that an absence message is not correct. Depending on the status of the absence message, you have the following options:

  • Revoke

    If a sent absence message is not correct then you can revoke it. If an absence message is revoked, Profit generates a new message that informs the 'UWV' that the original message has been revoked.

  • Expired

    You can allow an absence message that has not been sent to expire. Profit does not lose sight of the fact that the message was originally generated.

  • Delete

    In addition to expiring and revoking, you also have the option to delete absence messages. If absence messages are deleted, no history is kept. You would delete absence messages if, for example, you have imported historical absence entries.

To revoke an absence message:

  1. Go to: HR / Presence and absence / UWV digital.
  2. Select the absence message that you want to revoke.
  3. Click on the action:Withdraw button.

    After revoking an absence message, you can send the automatically generated revoke message to the 'UWV'.


    With the revoking of an absence message, any subsequent absence messages are revoked and absence messages that have not yet been approved are marked as expired.

To let an absence message expire:

  1. Go to: HR / Presence and absence / UWV digital.
  2. Select the absence message that you want to revoke.
  3. Click on the action:Expired button.


    If an absence message is expired then subsequent absence messages are marked as expired.

To delete an absence message:

  1. Go to: HR / Presence and absence / UWV digital.
  2. Select the absence message that you want to delete.
  3. Click on the action: Delete.

Directly to

  1. Digital delivery of absence messages to 'UWV' using 'Digi-ZSM'
  2. Configuration
  3. Configure an employee for 'Digi-ZSM'
  4. Add absence entries
  5. Create an absence message manually
  6. View and change an absence message
  7. Approve an absence message
  8. Prepare and send absence messages
  9. Revoke, expire or delete an absence message
  10. View the communication log
  11. Send and receive messages