Labour relation and employment (multiple simultaneous contracts)

After adding an (additional) employment Profit automatically records the data at the correct level. Each employee has a unique employment number per employee.



If a labour relation contains multiple employments, Profit will automatically designate a particular employment as the main employment. Usually Profit will designate the first employment as the main employment. The main employment is important for the calculation of the wages, because certain data can only be calculated in the main employment. You can designate a different employment as the main employment.

Profit assigns a separate income relationship number to each employment.

Back pay contract

You can add a back pay contract for a back payment after the end of employment (so after the end of the last employment). When adding the back pay contract, you select the employment this relates to. If the employee still has a current employment, you cannot add a back pay contract. In this situation you can post the amount to one of the current employments.

By adding a back pay contract, a new labour relation, employment and contract is created for the duration of the back pay contract. Also a new Tax Authority agency line is created.

Data collection

In the datasets with contract information you can add the Employment type field:

  • In the case of an employee with an additional employment, this field contains for both employments (main and additional) the value Additional employment.
  • In the case of an employee with a sub-employment, this field contains for both employments (main and sub) the value Sub-employment.
  • Priority is always given to sub-employments over additional employments.
