Persons in InSite

You use the Persons menu function to open an overview of all persons.


You open the properties of a specific person from the overview of all persons. You can use the quick filter to search for the correct person.

Under the Go directly to button, you can open the links for the person. Possible links are:

  • Add a person

    You can add a person in InSite.

  • Add a person based on an input form

    If you are processing an input form for a new person, you can process the data immediately and add this person in Profit CRM.

  • Change an address

    You can adjust the (postal) address of the person. You can apply this change immediately or have it take effect on a fixed date (in the future).

  • Add an image

    You can add an image of a person to the properties.

  • Change a person

    You can change some data for the person. You can adjust the address or the bank account number, for instance.

  • View a person

    You can view the details in the properties of the person. For instance, you can check the address details or the bank account number.

  • View a dossier

    Profit comes standard with an overview that shows the dossier of the selected person.

Also see