Overview of communication data in InSite

You can add an overview of the communication details.

To add a communication data overview:

In this example we add the Communicatiegegevens overview in to the properties of the organisation. You can also add this overview for persons and contact persons.

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Relations.
  3. Click on: Organisations.
  4. Open the properties of the organisation..
  5. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  6. Click on: Layout in the Display frame.
  7. Click on: New.
  8. Click on: Onderdeel uit bestaande pagina.
  9. Enter the title, such as Communication data.
  10. Select Communicatiegegeven in Page type.
  11. Select the page Communicatie (organisatie/persoon).
  12. Select the component. Overview.
  13. Click on: Create.
  14. Drag the overview to the correct place.
  15. Click on: Publish.
  16. Click on Yes in the message.

You can also display an overview as a link under Go directly to.

Directly to

  1. Organisations, persons and contacts in InSite
  2. Configure InSite CRM
  3. Organisations in InSite
  4. Persons in InSite
  5. Contacts in InSite
  6. View the custom contact file in InSite
  7. Conduct surveys in InSite