Contact persons in InSite

You use the Contacts menu function to open an overview of all contact persons.


From the overview of all contact persons, you open the properties of a specific contact person. You can use the quick filter to search for the correct contact person.

From the properties window, you can submit a dossier item for the contact person.

Under the Go directly to button, you can open the links for the contact person. Possible links are:

  • Organisation
  • Person
  • Add a contact person

    You can add a contact person in InSite.

  • Add a contact person based on an input form

    If you are processing an input form for a new organisation, you can also add the person in Profit CRM immediately.

  • Change an address

    You can adjust the (postal) address of the contact person. You can apply this change immediately or have it take effect on a fixed date (in the future).

  • Change a contact person

    You can change some data of the contact person. You can adjust the address or the phone number, for instance.

  • View a contact person

    You can view the details in the properties of the contact person. For instance, you can retrieve the communication details or check the bank account number.

  • View a contact person dossier

    Profit comes standard with an overview of the dossier of the selected contact.

Also see