Add a contact person in InSite

You can add a contact person in InSite.

A contact person is always a contact person for an organisation.

To add a contact person:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with the user name and password.
  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Click on: Relations.
  5. Click on: Organisations.
  6. Open the properties of the organisation.
  7. Click on the action: Add contact.
  8. Select the person in Person if this person is already present in InSite. Profit completes the fields with the relevant details.
  9. Complete the fields. 

    You recognise the required fields based on the Ins_Organisatie toevoegen (10).

    Profit completes the addresses with the details that have been entered in Address for the organisation. If this contact person has a deviating postal address (such as a P.O. box), you change the address in the contact person’s properties.

  10. Click on:  Create.

See also

Directly to

  1. Contact persons in InSite
  2. Add a contact person
  3. Add a contact person based on an input form
  4. Change an address
  5. Change a contact person
  6. View a contact person
  7. View a contact person dossier