Publish a website (separate web server)

You publish the (contents of) the site periodically using the Profit Update Service. We advise you to launch this service automatically (not manually, as the service will not start after a restart of the server).

It is sufficient to configure the Profit Update Service on just one of the Profit Application Servers. For improved accessibility, you can opt to configure the Profit Update Service on multiple application servers. Should one of the application servers not be operational, then the other Update Services will take over.

Follow the step-by-step plan below to configure the Profit Update Service for each application server.

To configure the Profit Update Service:

  1. Go to: ...\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Profit Update Service\Profit Update Service Controller.exe
  2. Right-click on Profit Update Service Controller.
  3. Click on: Run as administrator.
  4. Click on: Edit Settings.
  5. Deselect the Communicate via Profit Application Services  check box.
  6. Click on: Refresh.
  7. Select the Update Service added to Profit.

    If the update service is not present, click on Refresh.

  8. Click on: OK.
  9. Click on: Start.
  10. During the installation the website is added according to the settings of the share of the web server. The different virtual paths are added as a folder. When the installation is complete, a message is displayed.

    If the folder is not filled, an incorrect web site name has been entered for certain settings. Check the settings for consistency in the names!

  11. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.
  12. Once the Profit Update Service has been launched and linked to a web server with a site published on it, you will see the status of the publication in the view of the site(s). When the update service is ready, the status is Published in full. You can refresh this window using F5.

Profit Update Service opnieuw starten na installatie Profit 2014:

Na de installatie van Profit 2014 moet u de Profit Update Service opnieuw starten. Hierbij kan een foutmelding volgen, omdat de Profit Update Service het recht 'Logon as a service' moet hebben.

  1. Go to: de server waarop de 'Profit Update Service' draait.
  2. Open 'Services'.
  3. Selecteer de 'Profit Update Service'.
  4. Open de eigenschappen van de 'Profit Update Service'.
  5. Go to the tab: 'Logon'.
  6. Vul het wachtwoord van de COM+ gebruiker in en bevestig dit.
  7. Click on: 'OK'.

    Start the Profit Update Service.

Directly to

  1. InSite application servers with a separate web server
  2. Configure IIS
  3. Add a domain
  4. Add a web server
  5. Link a web server to a domain
  6. Set up the Profit Application Service
  7. Add a virtual path
  8. Add a site
  9. Configure the Profit Update Service
  10. Start the Profit Site Deployment tool
  11. Publish a website
  12. Authorise a user for portal access
  13. Log on to the site