Change an organisation address in InSite

You can adjust the (postal) address of the organisation. You can apply this change immediately or have it take effect on a fixed date (in the future).

To add an address for an organisation:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with the user name and password.
  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Click on: Relations.
  5. Click on: Organisations.
  6. Open the properties of the organisation..
  7. Click on the action: Modify.
  8. Click on: Modify after the address that you want to change.
  9. Select a value for Type of adjustment. Here, you can choose from Per direct and In the future.

    If you opt for an address change in the future, you must record the date of the move.

  10. Click on: Modify.
  11. Click on: Modify.

Directly to

  1. Organisations in InSite
  2. Add an organisation
  3. Add an organisation based on an input form
  4. Change an address
  5. Add a contact to an organisation
  6. Add an organisation logo
  7. Change an organisation
  8. View an organisation
  9. View a dossier