Register an anonymous participant immediately for a course

When you organise an event, often people will show up that are not at all known as contact persons in Profit. Registering these people for events can take some time. You can process an anonymous notification directly into a registration for a course event. In OutSite, you have the option whereby an anonymous visitor (a visitor who has thus not logged on) can register for an event. The visitor has to enter his contact data himself. Next comes the registration of this anonymous visitor in InSite via a workflow task. In the workflow, the responsible user can now directly register this visitor for the event.


  • You save time recording visitors
  • Less manual actions and therefore less errors


If an anonymous participant registers him/herself for a course using OutSite then, when the registration is processed in InSite, every effort will be made to match him/her with existing contact persons. If the person and/or organisation that has registered is not known then, when the registration is processed, an organisation, person, contact person and/or sales contact can be created directly.

In order to process the data from the input form in the workflow, the event must be known in Profit. You need to know for which course (or which event) the visitor has registered.

In Profit you have the default dossier item type Course Registration (Profit). The default workflow Course Registration is linked to the dossier item. For this workflow, the special action Process input form data is available. In the workflow, you still need to record for whom the task is intended.

