Create a course registration for an anonymous participant

If an anonymous participant registers him/herself for a course (that is linked to an input form of the type Course Registration) then the responsible employee in InSite gets a task in his/her task list.

This employee has to review the registration.

To create a course registration for an anonymous participant:

  1. Open InSite.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Open your task list.

    The anonymous registrations are of the process OutSite anonymous course registration (Profit) and have Review as task.

  4. Open a task.
  5. Select the Invoice check box if the participant must pay for the course.

    If details of the anonymous participant are found, because he or she is already known in Profit, you see this information under Link. A match has been found, for example, on contact.

    If no information is found then you can choose:

    • New organisation
    • New person
    • New contact person
    • New sales contact

    Depending on the choice you make, a wizard is launched that adds an organisation, person, contact person or sales contact.

  6. Complete the remaining fields. 
  7. Click on: Create.
  8. The selected action now disappears from the list.
  9. If required, you can now start another action. For example, after the organisation, you may also want to link a contact person.
  10. Click on: Create.

Directly to

  1. Register an anonymous participant immediately for a course
  2. Configure the direct registration of an anonymous participant
  3. Add a Course registration sign-up form
  4. Link a sign-up form to a course
  5. Create a course registration for an anonymous participant
  6. Direct access of an anonymous participant to OutSite
  7. Delete an incorrect anonymous registration