Match a person/organisation

If an anonymous or 'unknown' visitor enters his/her details on an input form, you cannot save this data in a dossier of an organisation, person or contact person. By matching the data, you can check if the person or organisation is already known as an organisation or person. If not, you can use the information to create a new person, contact person or organisation.

The Processing data from the input form workflow action is available to match persons from the workflow. You select this check box when you create the workflow. If you do not do this, it is not possible to match the data.

You can only use Match person and Match organisation if at least the last name of the person or the name of the organisation has been entered. Thus, ensure that these fields are mandatory when completing the input form.

You can authorise the Match person and Match organisation views:

To authorise the match person/organisation views:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Select the user or user group you want to authorise.
  3. Go to the tab: Menu.
  4. Go to: General / General / In & OutSite / Input forms / Match organisation

    and/or to General / General / In & OutSite / Input forms / Match person.

  5. Select the menu option check box(es).
  6. Close the Authorisation tool.

To open views:

You can start the (authorised) views via:

  1. Go to: General /In & OutSite / Input form / Match person

    or General / In & OutSite / Input form / Match organisation.

    You can process this data.

To process input form data:

  1. Go to: InSite.
  2. Open the properties of a dossier item to which an input form is linked.
  3. Click on the action: Processing data from the input form.

    Depending on the content of the input form, you can now choose from:

    • Match person:

      Click on the search button after Link to person. You now open a view with possible matches. If the person already exists, you select the match and link the input form to this person.

      If the person does not have a match, close the view and click New person. You now add a new person. The fields completed on the input form are copied and the input form is immediately recorded in this person's dossier.

    • Match organisation:

      Click on the search button after Link to organisation. You now open a view with possible matches. If the organisation already exists, you select the match and link the input form to this organisation.

      If the organisation does not have a match, close the view and click New organisation. You now add a new organisation. The fields completed in the input form are copied and the input form is immediately recorded in this organisation's dossier.

  4. Click on: OK.

    Depending on your choice, the person, organisation and/or contact person is now linked to the input form. If you have linked both a person and an organisation then the contact person is automatically processed.

Directly to

  1. Input forms
  2. Configure an input inform
  3. Add an input form
  4. View completed forms
  5. Filter on input forms
  6. Change an input form
  7. Delete an input form
  8. Match a person/organisation
  9. Register an anonymous participant immediately for a course
  10. View the default website for a user in the case of multiple sites