View pages in Profit Windows

Profit Windows has a central view with all InSite and OutSite pages. For each page, the template, the page type and the portal type and so on are displayed. You also see if a page is a draft page or if it is a published page. In the page properties, you can view the authorisation data and see when the page was last published.

Using the consultancy code, you can restore a page. With this, any changes implemented after the addition of the page are undone.

To view pages:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Page.

    If the Draft check box is selected, the page is not published.

  2. Open the properties of the Forecast page with the Portal behaviour.
  3. In the page properties, you see when and by whom it was last published.

    The site restriction and selection are also displayed here (if applicable).

  4. Go to the tab: Page authorisation.

    This tab shows the authorisation level and linked functionality.

    If required, you can look further at the authorisation via General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Functionality and General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Authorisation role.

To restore the original version of a page:

  1. Activate the consultancy code in the environment.
  2. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Page.
  3. Select the page.
  4. Open the properties of the page.
  5. Go to: Actions (F8)Restore original.


    If you perform this action, all changes made to the page are undone. The page gets the default properties that were assigned when the page was added.

Directly to

  1. Pages and overviews in InSite and OutSite
  2. Maintain a page type
  3. Add a page
  4. Edit a page
  5. Publish a page
  6. Maintain a page
  7. View pages in Profit Windows
  8. Copy a page
  9. Add a related reference
  10. Add an overlay to a page
  11. Change the page properties
  12. Change overviews
  13. Link a parameter to a page
  14. Overview page per selection
  15. Download data
  16. Add a Previous/Next button
  17. Change a view
  18. Delete a page
  19. Structure of page URLs
  20. Configure the URL redirection for OutSite
  21. Change the title of a tab
  22. Add a hyperlink to an e-mail address