Alerts in InSite

Two separate overview templates are available in InSite. The only alerts shown are the ones that are intended for the user who is logged on.


In InSite the following views are available for alerts:

  • My alerts

    Here, a user who is logged on can see only those alerts that are intended for him and that are still unread.

  • All alerts

    Here, a user who is logged on can see only alerts that are intended for him.

Any expired alerts are not shown.


  • Configure InSite for alerts

    If you want to use alerts in InSite, you activate the page type and add menu items to your site.

  • Configure alerts

    Alerts are used to draw the attention of users to important events such as an anniversary, the end of a temporary employment, when a payment deadline is exceeded or when a large order has been won.


  • Mark an alert as read

    InSite uses alerts to draw your attention to important events, such as a jubilee, the end of a temporary employment, a term of payment that has been exceeded, or a large order that has been scored.