Mark an alert as read in InSite

InSite uses alerts to draw your attention to important events, such as a jubilee, the end of a temporary employment, a term of payment that has been exceeded, or a large order that has been scored.

All users see their own alerts in My InSite: these are the alerts that require action. The user can then complete the alert so that it disappears from InSite.

Because the alerts are generated for specific recipients, your alerts may differ from those of your colleagues.

To use InSite to complete alerts:

  1. Go to: My InSite.
  2. Click on: the My alerts tab.
  3. Click on: an alert.

    You are now asked if you want to mark the alert as read.

  4. Click on: Yes.

Directly to

  1. Alerts in InSite
  2. Configure InSite for alerts
  3. Configure alerts
  4. Mark an alert as read