Publish a site more efficiently by setting a priority

All sites are updated and published after installing a Profit Update. If you are running several sites, this can take a long time.

You now have the option to indicate which site(s) should be updated first after the installation of a Profit Update, so that these sites become accessible first.

After installing this Profit Update, the default priority setting for all sites is 'Normal'. You can change this in the site properties.

If you are only running a few sites, for example an InSite site and an OutSite site, leave the priority as it is. We advise you not to give priority to too many sites because the effect will then be lost!


Priority only has effects on publishing and updating sites after installing a Profit Update. If you change a page you use on multiple sites, the priority does not apply.

 Set the priority per site:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.
  2. Open the properties of the site.
  3. Go to the tab: Publish.
  4. Select a value for Priority.

    You can choose from High, Normal and Layer. After the installation of a Profit Update, the sites with priority High are published first, followed by all sites with priority Normal and finally by the sites with priority Layer.

  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. General functionality in InSite & OutSite
  2. Configure a site
  3. Set up a logo
  4. Set the site width
  5. Update a site
  6. Apply your house style to the site
  7. Website under construction
  8. Publish a site more efficiently by setting a priority
  9. Block a site
  10. Forgotten password
  11. Change password
  12. Add a logo - detailed example
  13. Site map structure for search engines
  14. Delete a site