Adjust the colour set

You can adjust the specified colours for the theme. This cannot be done with the default theme supplied by AFAS.

To adjust the colour set:

In this example you change Colour 4. You can adjust all colours in the way described.

Ins_Kleur aanpassen (05)

This colour is used in various places:

Ins_Kleur aanpassen (10)

Examples of the use of colour 4:

Ins_Kleur aanpassen (30)

Ins_Kleur aanpassen (40)

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Themes.
  3. Select the theme.

    You can now immediately edit the theme.

  4. Click on: Colours.
  5. Click on: Use behind the colour you want to modify.

    You now see which parts are linked to this colour. If you change the colour, it will be changed for all these parts.

  6. Click on: Cancel.
  7. In the frame with the current colour, click after the colour you want to change.
  8. Select the new colour.

    In this example, you select a green colour so that you can see the contrast:

    Ins_Kleur aanpassen (50)

  9. Click on: Modify.

    The examples above now look as follows:

    Ins_Kleur aanpassen (60)

    Ins_Kleur aanpassen (70)

Directly to

  1. Maintain a theme
  2. Set the colour set
  3. Adjust the colour set
  4. Set the text style
  5. Set up parts