Configure a feature group

An external user can only record a dossier item type if you have entered an External description for at least one feature group. Only then can Profit determine the correct feature group for an external submission.

When a dossier item is submitted, the correct feature group needs to be determined so that the dossier item is placed in the correct workflow. You must therefore link the correct feature group to the dossier item type. If a dossier item type is submitted with one or more features, you do not select the features, but one of the possible feature groups.

To add a feature group:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Open the properties of the dossier item type. Vraag stellen.
  3. Go to the tab: Feature combinations.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Enter the description. 
  6. Complete the remaining fields.
  7. Click on: Next.
  8. Select the For recording in OutSite check box.
  9. Click on: Finish.

You can only block or delete the feature group if another feature group is present for the linked dossier item type for which the For recording in OutSite check box is selected.

You should only deselect the For recording in OutSite check box if you have selected this check box for another feature group linked to the dossier item type.

Directly to

  1. Configure OutSite
  2. Browsers supported
  3. Basic configuration of OutSite
  4. Authorisation in OutSite
  5. Theme editor
  6. Configure a site
  7. Web layout and zones
  8. Menu of the site
  9. Configure Document management
  10. Dossier
  11. Course in OutSite
  12. Configure an input inform
  13. Set up a message template
  14. Site information
  15. Configure Google Site Search
  16. Configure the media gallery
  17. Configure the URL redirection for OutSite