Registration form for not-logged-on visitors

For the course you record that an anonymous visitor can record his/her details using an input form.

For anonymous users the '=Full form' is not displayed. With this you can start a second event if there is sufficient interest.

To add a registration form for not-logged-on visitors:

  1. Go to: CRM / Course management / Course.
  2. Open the properties of the course..
  3. Go to the tab: In & OutSite.
  4. Select a value for Page.

    Here you select the page that must be opened for the course.

  5. Select a value for Input form for a visitor who is not logged on.

    Here you select the input form the visitor has to complete so you can contact him or her.

  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. CSS Course in OutSite
  2. Prior knowledge when adding a course
  3. Register for a course
  4. Confirmation of course registration
  5. Download an invitation
  6. Information page with course overview
  7. Register for a fully-booked event
  8. Registration form for not-logged-on visitors
  9. Register an anonymous participant immediately for a course