Change a dossier item type

You have access to different dossier item types. In the properties of the created types, you can specify whether or not they are visible in the external portals.

To change the dossier item type for OutSite:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Open the properties of the dossier item type..
  3. Go to the tab: In & OutSite.
  4. Select the Visible check box in the OutSite frame.

    You can only select this check box if at least one destination has the Optional, Mandatory or One of these mandatory feature on the Destination tab. This means that the dossier item is visible for an organisation or person and only these dossier items can be seen on the portal.


    If you deselect the Visible check box then the entire configuration for the use of a dossier item type via a portal is deleted and menu items in portals may no longer work.

  5. If an external user may record a complaint then select the To be registered check box.

    You must select these check boxes if you want to use the dossier item type in an external portal.


    If you deselect the To be registered check box then the entire configuration for the submission of this dossier item type via a portal is deleted and menu items in portals may no longer work.

  6. Complete the fields.
  7. Go to the tab: To be recorded in OutSite.
  8. Complete the fields.
  9. Click on: OK.

A dossier item type is only visible once it has been linked to a template. A template is in fact a view

When you select the Visible check box for a dossier item type, a page type is added with the same description as for the dossier item type. Profit also automatically adds a template. A link is added for the template which is published so that the template can be used.


If you deselect the Visible check box then the template (incl the link) is deleted.

Directly to

  1. Adjust a dossier item type for OutSite
  2. Change a dossier item type
  3. Types that can be recorded externally
  4. Internal dossier item types
  5. Delete a dossier item type
  6. Custom fields and tabs that are visible externally