Delete a dossier item type

You can delete a dossier item type. If you delete a dossier item type and the Visible for external user and/or To be recorded by external user check boxes are still selected, you receive a message stating that the entire configuration for the use of this dossier item type via the portal will be deleted and, as a consequence, menu items in the portal will no longer work.

To delete a dossier item type:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Select the type you want to delete.
  3. Click on: Delete.
  4. Click on: Yes.

Directly to

  1. Adjust a dossier item type for OutSite
  2. Change a dossier item type
  3. Types that can be recorded externally
  4. Internal dossier item types
  5. Delete a dossier item type
  6. Custom fields and tabs that are visible externally