Calculation basis in which the wage component is included

A wage component is included in a calculation basis if the wage component is configured as such. By contributing to the calculation basis, the wage component jointly determines the value of the calculation basis.


You want to know whether the employee accrues pension over the salary earned with overtime.

In the wage component that calculates the overtime in the salary processing, you can view the calculation bases in which the wage component is included. This way, you can determine whether the wage component is included in the pension calculation basis

To view the inclusion in a calculation basis:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Calculation basis.
  6. Sort by the Yes/No column.

    In the Yes/No column, Profit shows the calculation bases in which the wage component is included. To immediately see which calculation bases are included in a wage component, change the sorting.

    If a year-dependent inclusion applies, you see the inclusion per year. You can use the Year back and Year forward actions to browse through the years.

  7. Sort the Yes/No column in the reverse order by double-clicking on the column header.

    By adjusting the sorting in this way, the calculation bases that are included in a wage component appear as the first lines on this tab.

    You cannot change the calculation basis that have a shaded blue background. AFAS maintains these calculation bases.


    You can select or deselect the calculation bases to indicate whether the wage component should be included in them or not. Profit registers the last change in the logging fields that are present in the view.

See also

Directly to

  1. View calculation bases from the wage component
  2. Calculation basis used
  3. Include in a wage component