Linking to another wage component

A parameter can be assigned a value from another wage component. In such situations we refer to a ‘wage component line’.

Profit includes the final value of the wage component as a parameter in a wage component. The number of the parameter that is equal to the calculated result of a wage component is equal to the wage component’s internal number times 100.


The 'Overwerk 100%' wage component retrieves the overtime hours from the '100% Overuren' wage component. The '100% Overuren' wage component is therefore linked to the 'Overwerk 100%' wage component as a parameter. In the 'Overwerk 100%' wage component, Profit displays the internal number of the '100% Overuren' wage component + the sequence number 00.

The overtime hours posted to the '100% Overuren' wage component are included by Profit in the calculation of the 'Overwerk 100%' wage component.

To view the link to another wage component:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameter.

    After the parameter in the Source parameter column, Profit displays the Wage component value. This means that the parameter is linked to another wage component.

  6. In the Parameter column, Profit displays the parameter’s number.

Directly to

  1. Dynamic parameters
  2. Link to another wage component
  3. Link to master data
  4. Copy the value of employee master data to a parameter