Change the parameter value

You can adjust the current value of value parameters or add a new value.

The time-dependent recording of values makes it possible to save the history and re-execute any calculations performed in the past. In addition, it is possible to already now enter arrangements that apply temporarily or in the future, with the start date as well as the end-date. This means that when the term expires you no longer need to concern yourself with that arrangement. An additional advantage is that a change to a historical value automatically leads to RAE entries.

To change the parameter value:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameter.

    Profit displays the current value of the parameter. Import on parameter in the Source parameter identifies a value parameter.

  6. Open the parameter's properties.

    In the Allow entries for CLA field you can see whether you can add a value at the CLA level. AFAS maintains this field for wage components with a root number.

  7. Go to the tab: Values.

    You can view a value and record it on the Values tab (together with its term of validity).

  8. Open the view: Parameter history customer CLA and Profit CLA.

    Profit displays the values that are maintained by AFAS and that you have added yourself. The source of a value added by you is CLA. The source of a value maintained by AFAS is Profit CLA.

    You cannot change a value that is maintained by AFAS. If you are of the opinion that the value of a parameter is incorrect, you can submit an incident report using the Customer Portal. You must support your opinion in the incident report using official documentation that demonstrates that the value is incorrect.

  9. Click on: New.
  10. Enter the start date, end date and value. Entering an end date is not mandatory.
  11. Click on: Finish.

    Profit displays the new value with the term of validity.

  12. Click on: OK.

    Profit displays the current value of the parameter.

Directly to

  1. Value parameters
  2. Change the parameter value
  3. Parameter value from another wage component
  4. Number of decimal places parameter
  5. Deviating value of a parameter
  6. Manage payroll arrangements