Parameter value from another wage component

A value parameter can retrieve its value from a specific value of a parameter in another wage component. The number of a parameter that is equal to the parameter value of a parameter from another wage component is equal to the wage component’s internal number times 100 + the sequence number of the parameter in the original wage component.


For the 'Levensloop Premie (NT)' wage component it is important that Profit knows whether the employee is a participant in the ‘Levensloopregeling’ or not. This wage component retrieves this information from the 'Deelnemer levensloop' parameter. You enter a value for this parameter in the 'Levensloop Medewerkerbijdrage' wage component.

In the 'Levensloop Premie (NT)' wage component, Profit displays the internal number of the 'Levensloop Medewerkerbijdrage' wage component + the parameter’s sequence number.

To view a parameter value from another wage component:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameter.

    Profit displays the current value of the parameter. Import on parameter in the Source parameter identifies a value parameter. A parameter that assumes the value of a parameter in another wage component can be recognised by the deviating parameter number.

Directly to

  1. Value parameters
  2. Change the parameter value
  3. Parameter value from another wage component
  4. Number of decimal places parameter
  5. Deviating value of a parameter
  6. Manage payroll arrangements