Net FTE per location/employee analysis for Education

This analysis provides an overview of the net FTEs per location and per employee. This analysis is available if you have activated the Education functionality in the environment.

In the Education sector, WTF (Work time factor) is used instead of the term FTE (Full- time equivalent). Because Profit uses the term FTE, you will see this term in the analysis too.

In these descriptions we use the following terms:

  • TU

    Temporary expansions

  • 'BAPO'

    'Bevordering arbeidsparticipatie ouderen' (a type of reduction of the FTE)

  • Leave

    In the Education sector a fixed leave always applies, but this leave reflects the reduction of the FTEs because of the unpaid leave, parental leave, etc.

The net FTE is a calculation. This calculation is as follows:

Net FTE = (Gross FTE + Temporary expansion FTE) -/- ('BAPO' FTE +Leave FTE)

The calculation is as follows:

  • Gross FTE

    The FTEs specified for the employment.

  • TU FTE

    The FTEs for an employment for which it has been indicated that it is a temporary employment expansion.


Open the analysis

You open the analysis in Profit.

To open the analysis:

  1. Go to:
  2. Open the analysis: Net FTE per location/employee (Profit).
  3. Select the employer.
  4. Enter the start and end date.

    The start and end date are important. These dates are used to determine the number of months the analysis will be generated for.


    It is important to select no more than 12 months. That is the maximum number of periods that can be entered for this analysis.

  5. Select a monthly table in Period table The analysis will be entirely based on months.
  6. Click on: Finish.

Data collections

The analysis uses the following data collections:

FTE employees (including authorisation)

This is the main data collection that determines the pre-entry of the analysis using the following fields:

  • Employer
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Period table

In this data collection Profit calculates the FTE based on the settings you enter in the pre-entry.

Profit retrieves almost all the data for the analysis from this data collection, with the exception of the 'BAPO' and the leave. That is because you specify those as parameters at the employee level and Profit retrieves them using two other data collections.

'BAPO': Employee/Parameter history (excluding authorisation)

In this data collection a filter is applied to the Korting ivm BAPO wage component:

  • 'VO' CLA

    161.191.100 'Korting i.v.m. Bapo verlof'

  • 'PO' CLA

    161.171.105 'Korting i.v.m Bapo'

  • 'BVE' CLA

    161.081.100 'Korting i.v.m. Bapo'

Leave: Employee/Parameter history (excluding authorisation)

In this data collection a filter is applied to the following wage components in the 'VO', 'PO' and 'BVE' CLAs:

  • 100.000.213 'Onbetaald verlof uren'
  • 100.000.223 'Ouderschapsverlof uren'
  • 100.000.236 'Uren levensloopopname onbetaald (geen loondagen)'
  • 161.191.101 'Korting ivm betaald ouderschapsverlof'

Tabs in the analysis

The following tabs are present in the analysis:

  • Settings

    On this tab you select the layer on which the locations are present. You can select any layer from the organisation chart.

  • Per_Locatie_Medewerker

    The pivot table on this tab shows the monthly net FTE per location, per group and per employee (in the Education sector this is called Net WTF = Net Work time factor).

  • Per_Locatie_Medewerker_Detail

    The pivot table on this tab shows the monthly gross FTE, TU FTE, 'BAPO' FTE, leave FTE and net FTE per location, per group and per employee.

  • Per Locatie_Groep

    The pivot table on this tab shows the monthly net FTE (in the Education sector this is called Net WTF = Net Work time factor) per location and per group. So, not per employee.

  • Per Locatie_Groep_Detail

    The pivot table on this tab shows the monthly gross FTE, TU FTE, 'BAPO' FTE, leave FTE and net FTE per location and per group. So, not per employee.

  • Medewerker_FTE

    On this tab all calculations come together. This is the tab that the pivot tables on the red tabs are based on. You first see all layers in the organisation chart per employment. Only the employments that are valid in the selected period are displayed.

    You then see all data that are relevant for the employments and the education sector. Next are the calculations.


The calculations on the Medewerker_FTE tab are as follows:

Teacher in training

If the employee has a job linked to the Teacher in training job category, you see the value J. That is because in case of a teacher in training the net FTE only counts for half.

Location layer and location description

These are the the location layer code and location layer description that you select on the Instellingen tab. If you select Layer 5, you see the code of the fifth layer in the Locatie laag field, etc. The same applies to the description of the layer.

Initieel DV locatie and Initieel DV locatie omschrijving:

In this analysis it is important to compare the location of the sub-employment with the location of the initial employment (also called the main employment). To be able to determine the location of the initial employment, two key fields are required: Medewerker Initieel DV and Medewerker Initieel DV bij Sub DV.

Using these key fields (index fields) the location of the initial employment can be found. Based on the Medewerker Initieel DV bij Sub DV key field, the Medewerker Initieel DV column is searched for the associated initial employment. Then it is not that column that is returned, but you see the initial employment in the column in which the layer and the layer description are displayed.

Vervanging and Initieel DV Vervanging

Determine if an employment is a substitute employment. The same applies to the initial employment.

Groep and Initieel DV Groep

Profit determines the group based on the terms of employment to which the employee is linked. If the Vervanging field is set to J, the group changes to VERVANGING so that you always see the substitution in a separate group. The same applies to the initial employment.

Sub DV OE gelijk aan Initieel DV OE

This field determines whether a sub-employment, if applicable, has a different location than the initial employment.

Initieel DV

If an employment is an initial employment, this field will show that.

Temporary expansion

If a sub-employment is a temporary expansion, this field will show that.

FTE Totaal

This is the total FTE of the employee, excluding the temporary expansions. This field is used to distribute the 'BAPO' and the leave over the various employments.

FTE Bruto

This is the FTE of the relevant employment, as stated in the timetable linked to the employment.

FTE TU (all columns)

These are calculations intended to calculate the FTE for temporary expansions. This can concern:

  • A temporary expansion of the initial employment
  • A substitute employment
  • An employment that itself is defined as a substitute employment


The 'BAPO' is retrieved from an independent data collection, namely the Employee/parameter history (excl. authorisation) data collection. For the 'BAPO' parameter you enter hours per week. These are converted to a number of FTEs, by dividing the hours per week by 36.86.

Verdelen over DV’s

If the parameter value has been specifically recorded for an employment, the 'BAPO' value is not allowed to be distributed over multiple employments, but is intended for that specific employment.

Period allocation

The 'BAPO' is calculated over a maximum of 12 periods (months). Per month, it is determined whether there is a current 'BAPO' entry and the number of days in the relevant period the current 'BAPO' is for. Then the 'BAPO' value for the relevant month is determined (weighted based on the number of valid days in the month and the number of available days in the month).

Based on this data, two pivot tables are created, one for the 'BAPO' that should not be distributed and one for the 'BAPO' that should be distributed.

After this, both values are retrieved to the Medewerker_FTE tab. There it is determined which part of the 'BAPO' can be distributed. This is done as follows:

Weighted 'BAPO' = ('BAPO'/Total FTE)*Gross FTE


The leave is retrieved from an independent data collection, namely the Employee/parameter history (excl. authorisation) data collection. For the leave parameter you enter hours per week. These are converted to a number of FTEs, by dividing the hours per week by 36.86.

Verdelen over DV’s

If the parameter value has been specifically recorded for an employment, the leave value is not allowed to be distributed over multiple employments, but is intended for that specific employment.

Period allocation

The leave is calculated over a maximum of 12 periods (months). Per month, it is determined whether there is a current leave entry and the number of days in the relevant period the leave entry in the current period is for. Then the leave value for the relevant month is determined (weighted based on the number of valid days in the month and the number of available days in the month).

Based on this data, two pivot tables are created, one for the leave that should not be distributed and one for the leave that should be distributed.

After this, both values are retrieved for the Medewerker_FTE tab. There it is determined which part of the leave can be distributed. This is done as follows:

Weighted leave = (leave/Total FTE)*Gross FTE

Net FTE (without 'LIO')

This is the calculation of the net FTE, without taking into account the teacher in training (LIO).

The calculation is as follows:

(Gross FTE + TU FTE)-('BAPO' FTE + Leave FTE)


This is the column with the final net FTE. For a teacher in training the net FTE only counts for half and the calculation is as follows:

Net FTE (without 'LIO') * 0.5

Zero line

If the gross FTE and the net FTE are both zero, the entire line is a zero line and it will be filtered from the pivot tables.