Configure an employee for the 'VFPF' delivery

You configure the employee for the 'VFPF' delivery.



For the delivery of the files for the 'Vervangingsfonds' and 'Participatiefonds', you configure the Government and Education agency and an educational institution for the employees.

For the substitute of the absent employee, you specify a substitute employment. The leave or absence entry of the absent employee is linked to this employment. You can link one leave or absence entry per employment. If the absent employee has multiple absence or leave entries, this results in multiple substitute (sub-)employments.

Declaration for 'Onderwijsondersteunend personeel (OOP)'

Substitution of supporting personnel in the 'Primair onderwijs' sector, in general is only reimbursed after a qualifying period of two months. In case the substitution is recorded before these two months have elapsed, you specify two substitute (sub-)employments. One for the part for which you cannot submit a declaration and the other for the part for which you can submit a declaration. This is required because otherwise the amount to declare cannot be determined.

Once the two months have passed, you should communicate the actual data of the sickness in the third month.

Wage components

At the employee level you can specify the following wage components for the premium files of the 'Vervangingsfonds' and 'Participatiefonds':

  • 161.174.000 'Premie Vervangingsfonds (Verplicht)'

    For the 'Vervangingsfonds' you specify this wage component at the employee level, if the employee's insurance is compulsory.

  • 161.174.001 'Vervangingsfonds (Vrijwillig)'

    For the 'Vervangingsfonds' you specify this wage component at the employee level, if the employee's insurance is voluntary.

  • 161.174.002 'Premie participatiefonds'

    For the 'Participatiefonds' you can specify this wage component for every employee.

Profit uses the 161.179.500 'Declaratiebedrag' wage component to calculate the amount to declare to the 'Vervangingsfonds'. If you record a substitute employment for the employee and indicate that a declaration will take place with the ‘Vervangingsfonds’, Profit calculates the wage component.


Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.


We recommend that you work with specified timetables. If the employee has an unspecified timetable, Profit does not have insight into the actual number of hours worked on a day. Consequently, the result of the incomplete month calculation may deviate (for instance) because the actual number of hours worked does not match the estimate that Profit makes.


  • Add an agency

    You add the Government and Education agency to the employee.

  • Add an educational institution

    If you do not use positions in Profit, link the employee to an educational institution for the delivery of the premium files.

  • Add a substitute employment

    For the substitute of the absent employee, you specify a substitute employment for the delivery of the files to the 'Vervangingsfonds', 'Participatiefonds' and 'DUO'.

  • Add wage components

    For the employee you specify the wage components for the 'Vervangingsfonds' and 'Participatiefonds'.