Limitations of the weighted period calculation

You must always properly check the results of the weighted period allocation. Special attention in particular is required for part-time employees, hourly paid employees and employees with a variable work pattern.

Take the following into account:

  • Profit always determines the hourly wage on the basis of the last salary line of the period stored in the employee’s properties.
  • For employees paid per hour, Profit only performs the weighted calculation if you select the Apply timetable in Payroll check box in the properties of the salary.
  • The weighted period calculation does not affect the position allocation.
  • Profit is unable to determine the correct value when a change to the part-time percentage and a salary change coincide.
  • Profit does not apply a weighted calculation to some wage components.
  • If an employee transfers from a gross salary to a net salary (or vice versa), then this change must always go into effect on the first day of the period.

Directly to

  1. Timetable and salary (wage calculation)
  2. Weighted calculation on the basis of calendar days
  3. Weighted calculation on the basis of working days (Monday - Friday)
  4. Weighted period calculation at employment start or end
  5. Limitations of the weighted period calculation
  6. Procedure without weighted period calculation
  7. No gross salary calculated in salary processing