Sample pay slip
This is the sample pay slip with an explanation.
Content |
At the top you see the pay slip type:
- Salary indicator
This is the original salary indicator for the period in question.
- Replacement salary indicator
This salary indicator replaces the original salary indicator for the period in question. The salary indicator has been replaced, because changes have been processed in a later period.
- Salary indicator correction
This salary indicator only contains the changes that have been processed in a later period.
Graphic display of data
The traditional pay slip is an overview that contains many numbers and that most employees find impossible to check.
The digital salary indicator graphically displays all important details of the wage calculation. This new graphic design displays only the information that employees want to know, and therefore they are more likely to view their pay slips. This way, checking your pay slip will become a fun thing to do.
Rechts ziet u de geboortedatum, BSN en de datum in dienst van de medewerker.
Wage calculation
You see the wage calculation of the salary. This calculation consists of:
Column |
Explanation |
Description |
The gross wage is the wage (the sum of the salary, allowances and taxed reimbursements) before deduction of the ‘Loonheffing’, the employee premiums for pension and the employee insurance premiums. The net wage is the gross wage after deducting the taxes and social premiums. |
Number |
In the column you see the value that has been used for the calculation of the part. For example, for the salary you see the number of hours you have worked. If you see a percentage, the premium is calculated using this percentage. In most cases, the premium is determined by multiplying the percentage by the calculation basis. |
Basis |
This is the calculation basis over which the premium is calculated. A calculation basis is a collection of wage parts. The sum of the values of these wage parts determines the value of the calculation basis. |
Period |
This column shows all values that ultimately result in the salary that you receive on your salary account. A withholding from the salary is identified by a minus sign in front of the value. An addition to the salary does not have a minus sign. |
Through period |
This column shows the cumulative values up to and including the period on the pay slip. |
Normal |
This column shows the payments from which 'Loonheffing' is deducted at the normal rate. |
Special |
This column shows the incidental payments from which 'Loonheffing' is deducted in accordance with the special rate. Examples include the holiday allowance and end of year bonus. |
You see the salary that will be transferred to the different bank accounts.
Other data
You see the employee's fixed data:
- BSN and employment start date
The employee’s social security number (BSN) and the employment start date are shown.
- Part-time %
Your part-time percentage is shown. For a full-time employment, 100% is displayed.
- Contract wage
This is the salary based on a full-time employment.
- Hourly wage
Here you see the hourly wage that applies in the period in question. This hourly wage is based on the full-time salary and the maximum number of hours in the CLA.
- Minimum wage
This is the statutory minimum wage for the age category in question.
- Special rate %
This is the 'Loonheffing' percentage that applies to incidental gross payments.
Grondslagen en loonheffing
Onder grondslagen ziet u het volgende:
- Het loon LH is het loon voor de loonheffing.
- De arbeidskorting is een korting op de loonheffing wanneer u een dienstverband heeft. De hoogte is afhankelijk van leeftijd en de hoogte van het jaarinkomen.
- In de kolom periode ziet u de waarde die geldt voor de maand op de loonstrook.
- In de kolom cumulatief ziet u de cumulatieve waarde tot en met de maand op de loonstrook.
Onder loonheffing ziet u het volgende:
- Bij normaal tarief ziet u het bedrag aan loonheffing dat is toegepast op het reguliere maandsalaris conform de witte maandtabel.
- Bij bijzonder tarief ziet u het bedrag aan loonheffing dat is ingehouden op de incidentele betaling. De incidentele betaling is belast is volgens het bijzonder tarief.
- Voordeel(regel): Dit wordt toegepast op een incidentele betaling wanneer de totale berekening loonheffing in de betreffende periode via reguliere maandtabel, gunstiger is dan berekening via bijzonder tarief.
Wage days
Here you see the number of days worked in the period in question and the number of days you have worked up to and including that period. In addition, you see the number of days you have been sick or have taken leave.